I, Me, Myself

My photo
I am the kind of person you can know for a day and feel like you have known forever, or know for years and know nothing about. I find it easy to adapt, I love change, I get bored easily, I can be both abstract and logical, I am ambitious, I am extroverted but I need to be alone sometimes, I am very open, I trust people easily, I often don’t learn from my mistakes, I am almost always laughing or smiling, I wear my heart on my sleeve, I rarely care what people think, I am very honest, I am a good liar when I need to be, I am vain, I am a perfectionist, I try to look for the best in people, I believe that most people have good intentions, I am blunt, I don’t sugarcoat things, I have very few insecurities, I am very confident, I crave attention, I can be very cynical sometimes, I despise organized religion, I respect people who dare to be different, and I love animals. I value loyalty above all things, I hate narrow-minded people, I am a liberal, I am always bold, I am always very open, I don’t like politics, I hate not being right, and I try not to be judgmental. I love to make and break things. I am I J.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Traveling - my life

I've learned a lot from my travel experiences all over India. Now, I'm trying to learn the Indian culture & the way it works.

It's amazing to see that 75% of my travel zone consists of hills and small cities but I love it. Hope to see new places soon and keep all of my wellwishers updated.

Keep rocking. Keep smiling. Keep traveling :)

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