I, Me, Myself

My photo
I am the kind of person you can know for a day and feel like you have known forever, or know for years and know nothing about. I find it easy to adapt, I love change, I get bored easily, I can be both abstract and logical, I am ambitious, I am extroverted but I need to be alone sometimes, I am very open, I trust people easily, I often don’t learn from my mistakes, I am almost always laughing or smiling, I wear my heart on my sleeve, I rarely care what people think, I am very honest, I am a good liar when I need to be, I am vain, I am a perfectionist, I try to look for the best in people, I believe that most people have good intentions, I am blunt, I don’t sugarcoat things, I have very few insecurities, I am very confident, I crave attention, I can be very cynical sometimes, I despise organized religion, I respect people who dare to be different, and I love animals. I value loyalty above all things, I hate narrow-minded people, I am a liberal, I am always bold, I am always very open, I don’t like politics, I hate not being right, and I try not to be judgmental. I love to make and break things. I am I J.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

What should a new website needs to do?

Every website should be design to attract the users and connect the visitors so that, they can come again to visit the same. It does not matter if your websites’ main objective is to create brand awareness, to generate revenues or to sell your products online.

It’s very much important to keep the most basic and important (necessary) information of your website on above your fold, which is the imaginary line at the end of your web screen. This is to make sure that when the user is navigating your website s/he is sure of the purpose of the website even before scrolling the page down.

Thousands of products can not make a good website but a variety of things makes a website likeable. I know some websites are not like Google (search focused) or Facebook (UGC focused) but they should look from the users’ point of view. The homepage should be clean and cool. Do not paste zillions of things in the website as it does not look good. The content should be genuine. It can increase or decrease the productivity of the website.

Always make sure to keep a final check on all the links (hyper-links) included in your website to see if they are working alright and linking to the particular link or page that is required. The correct destination if is not reached can be a major disaster to all your hard work and it can affect the productivity of the website in different ways (which a website administrator is well aware of).

Lastly, make sure the time for the launch of the website is the right one because after that you will be needed to be more dedicated to the maintenance of the website and its corrections/updates, so you always need to be ready to serve.

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