I, Me, Myself

My photo
I am the kind of person you can know for a day and feel like you have known forever, or know for years and know nothing about. I find it easy to adapt, I love change, I get bored easily, I can be both abstract and logical, I am ambitious, I am extroverted but I need to be alone sometimes, I am very open, I trust people easily, I often don’t learn from my mistakes, I am almost always laughing or smiling, I wear my heart on my sleeve, I rarely care what people think, I am very honest, I am a good liar when I need to be, I am vain, I am a perfectionist, I try to look for the best in people, I believe that most people have good intentions, I am blunt, I don’t sugarcoat things, I have very few insecurities, I am very confident, I crave attention, I can be very cynical sometimes, I despise organized religion, I respect people who dare to be different, and I love animals. I value loyalty above all things, I hate narrow-minded people, I am a liberal, I am always bold, I am always very open, I don’t like politics, I hate not being right, and I try not to be judgmental. I love to make and break things. I am I J.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Dreams Unlimited

Recently I have started a new assignment with my friend. I am feeling responsible & started managing things my way. It is a new start and we guys co-founded a dot com enterprise. Now my work is to brand the product & do the market research and analysis of the product and competitors & all that silly things on search engines.

I am trying some new ways to improve the product and techniques to promote the brand. As you know (now-a-days) internet marketing is a big business. Everybody is promoting their websites. I am trying to entertain every Indian student. It is a big opportunity. We have excellent competitors, I am not denying it but nobody have the 100% gain every time. The chance of improvement will always be there. Google did it the same thing. They improved the searching with better technique and results. We only need to think about a better solution and correct plan so that we will win the race.

People around me always say that you are running very fast. They say - do not be very fast, run slow and steady but I am not Bill Gates and I do not want to. I love what I do and I love doing opposite things. That is what I call life (my friend) & I liked it in a challenging way. I never did the same thing as others do. I want to do something different. I just want to be myself. I want to take new challenges. I am learning fast and learning for better. My theory is very simple. Practice makes a man perfect and continuous practice makes a man perfectionist. Always try to defeat yourself. Nobody is better than you. I believe in this theory.

In the past one year I learned one great thing. Always say good things about third person. I learned that you should always say good and happening words for the third person. If you are in talk with a person and discussing about some third person so you better speak better and positive words for him. e.g. he is a good person. Remind one thing that after a period of time he will get to know what has been said about him. Do not use derogatory words for him. It will harm you in the long run. I am not saying that you need to behave like a diplomat but "do not be evil".

Be focused on your goal. Sometimes we are looking up to different companies and their budgets and forget our goals. Few weeks back when I was working with a social networking website, I checked Orkut and Facebook always go for the new stuff. Sometimes we behave like a salesman. I heard from lots of salesmen that I had a hiccup with the customer and after arguing for one hour I won the fight. In the marketing business product selling is the most important thing; not the fight. That is the big thing. 90% people do not think like that.

In a job environment where you are the boss and managing a dozen people, your prime focus should be utilizing the full quality of the team. You are not there to scream and shout at your team members. Its the big thing. A manager cant be a manager without the support of their team members.

The last thing I want to say is never underestimate yourself. Check your market value. Don't think that you are not valuable or less valuable. Think about your positive points and stick to it. Think about the solution; not problem. Problem will always be there. Remind one thing - you are not the person you think you are, you are better than that.

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