I, Me, Myself

My photo
I am the kind of person you can know for a day and feel like you have known forever, or know for years and know nothing about. I find it easy to adapt, I love change, I get bored easily, I can be both abstract and logical, I am ambitious, I am extroverted but I need to be alone sometimes, I am very open, I trust people easily, I often don’t learn from my mistakes, I am almost always laughing or smiling, I wear my heart on my sleeve, I rarely care what people think, I am very honest, I am a good liar when I need to be, I am vain, I am a perfectionist, I try to look for the best in people, I believe that most people have good intentions, I am blunt, I don’t sugarcoat things, I have very few insecurities, I am very confident, I crave attention, I can be very cynical sometimes, I despise organized religion, I respect people who dare to be different, and I love animals. I value loyalty above all things, I hate narrow-minded people, I am a liberal, I am always bold, I am always very open, I don’t like politics, I hate not being right, and I try not to be judgmental. I love to make and break things. I am I J.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Social Media Startups

Now-a-days it’s the start-up season in India. More than 20+ dot com/media firms have started their businesses in India in the past 2 years. Actually, in a country like ours' social media start-ups are quite a good idea because of internet savvy population and loads of people are looking forward to (using) it. As of now, reports shows that user growth in Asia is 450%.

In start-ups you’ve more to say and more to innovate right from the beginning of your job. You’ll be experimenting more and taking risks and it’ll help you in the long run. In start-ups you’ll learn more in six to nine months than you’ll do in your degree or working with already established company because of freedom to innovate. You’ll be more efficient and productive and your best (result) will come naturally.

I’ve no specific idea about social media and market analysis. I’m just a student in the beginning phase. I just did some Google research for couple of hours and now I proudly say that I’m an expert. LOL! Google’s making me dumb.

Actually, I also worked with couple of start-ups so I can tell you that it’s fun to work with start-ups rather than bigger brands and one of the start-up companies I’ve worked in the past is now one of the best online media companies in the India. Don’t just go with the brand. People like me and you build brands. Look at Yahoo, Amazon, Google, Facebook, Twitter and other great start-ups in the world. They started with very minimal amount and small man power and now they are big. In conclusion, social media is great and changing our lives. Be the part of the change. Cheers!

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