I, Me, Myself

My photo
I am the kind of person you can know for a day and feel like you have known forever, or know for years and know nothing about. I find it easy to adapt, I love change, I get bored easily, I can be both abstract and logical, I am ambitious, I am extroverted but I need to be alone sometimes, I am very open, I trust people easily, I often don’t learn from my mistakes, I am almost always laughing or smiling, I wear my heart on my sleeve, I rarely care what people think, I am very honest, I am a good liar when I need to be, I am vain, I am a perfectionist, I try to look for the best in people, I believe that most people have good intentions, I am blunt, I don’t sugarcoat things, I have very few insecurities, I am very confident, I crave attention, I can be very cynical sometimes, I despise organized religion, I respect people who dare to be different, and I love animals. I value loyalty above all things, I hate narrow-minded people, I am a liberal, I am always bold, I am always very open, I don’t like politics, I hate not being right, and I try not to be judgmental. I love to make and break things. I am I J.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

My next destination - Jammu

I'm a crazy traveler. I really am. I always wanted to walk on the road which is less travelled. Always had great traveling experiences in my life. Met nice people, made great friends. God has been kind to me.. Always!

Jammu is on the cards now. It's not about money; it's about happiness, peace and loving your life. What we say - raftaar aur aazaadi!

I know I won't be able to travel that much after marriage. My wifey is going to kill me. So, enjoying the bachelorhood till the time someone holds my hands and say : Kahaan chalna hai ghoomne? :D

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Traveling - my life

I've learned a lot from my travel experiences all over India. Now, I'm trying to learn the Indian culture & the way it works.

It's amazing to see that 75% of my travel zone consists of hills and small cities but I love it. Hope to see new places soon and keep all of my wellwishers updated.

Keep rocking. Keep smiling. Keep traveling :)

Work Ethics from the Rodinhoods!

Make 10 small chits of things you 'cant do' (like public speaking, trekking, coding, etc..). Shuffle them and get your partner, best friend or child to pick out 3.

DO THESE 3 things, come what may.

The rest of the 7 'cant do's' will happen automatically.... Try it!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Confidence and Believe

Yesterday I wrote some poems and articles about Indian Economy and Corruption. I will share them after a couple of weeks. So, I am back with a new post. We were on a success path. The theory continues…

When you are about to start a new firm or about to join a firm, a lot of people tell you about the advantages and disadvantages of them. Some people give you great ideas and some people feel jealous; so, they will give you the harmful ideas. But at the end it’s up to you - you are the one who will take decision. Only you can judge your business. But I will tell you to think ahead of your time. It’s one of the best advices I have ever received from my manager (Nigel). I loved him for that. He often says some inspirational stuff.

Confidence and dedication are the essential things for success. These two things tell your mind to move ahead and find ways and things for success. And the basic things I always noticed in my life that if you believe you will succeed, others will believe you automatically. I don’t know what it is but it’s magic, pure magic.

After talking to lot of people I came to know that lot of people don’t believe in the power of confidence. Those people who are confident that they can push the mountains, they surely can and those who think they can’t, they don’t. From my perspective confidence and believe are the ultimate keys. We are inching closer to the Jupiter. We can reach there. No doubt about that. We can create buildings on mars because of believe. You can’t do anything if you are not confident about it. Believe in the thing between all inventions. Thomas Edison failed for more than 1000 times but in the end, he did it. Just believe in your success and you will see a new world.

I really observe people all the time. I show them that I am feeling low and I am disturbed and I am frustrated from my life and they always tell me the negative and positive aspects. They always tell me the truth. It’s magic. When you open your heart to people - they will tell you the truth about you. I listen to them very carefully and then analyze the stuff in my mind. Sometimes they say very correct stuff and very unpredictable stuff, which you don’t even think in your worst dreams.

Those who don’t believe in themselves always have the theory of “I will try but I don’t think I can do this”. Moral of the statement is very simple – if you don’t believe in yourself, you can’t do anything. Napoleon always said, “If you doubt, you will lose and if you think about win, you will win.”

I am not a good student. I am not exceptional. I was a bad student throughout my academic career. I can’t learn anything because I am suffering from a disease. I can’t speak fluent English or Hindi either. Actually I am a less than average boy. I have only one thing - I believe in myself. I believe in whatever I do. I believe that I can write well. I believe that I can write good articles. I believe that I can change someone’s life by my writing and talking to him/her. I believe that I am the best writer in the world. That’s my success theory.

I respect all the great leaders and innovators. I respect Bill Gates, Jack Welch, Henry Ford, Napoleon & Others. But I will tell you one thing. Respects all but fear no one. Learn from them. Listen to them carefully. Note down their speech. Observe them but don’t worship them. Think about yourself. Think that one day you will be ahead of them. Think that you can beat them up. Believe that you can reach at the top and you will. If you think you can’t be a CEO then you can’t. Every work is important. Always work like a scientist and do work like you have to invent something. Don’t feel shy in front of others. If you see yourself as a loser, others will see the same thing. If you see yourself as a confident person, others will see the same. Be important for yourself.

A person’s success depends on his / her thoughts. Think big, dream big. Think you can do bigger things and work hard for it. Start your day today with the belief and confidence that you can do it. You can be successful. If you believe that you can become a great personality, you can. Can is the word of power, energy and believe.

You know all the greatest personalities of the world are not very intelligent, sharp and talented. They only have one thing in common. They knew that they can. They believe that they can. So just be yourself. Do your best and god will do the rest. I am ending this one with the quotation of Mahatma Gandhi. He always said that, “Man often becomes what he believes himself to be. If I keep on saying to myself that I can not do a certain thing, it is possible that I may end by really becoming incapable of doing it. On the contrary, if I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire that capacity to do it. Even if I may not have it at the beginning.”

So, friends – always think success, you will succeed. Do what is necessary, learn what is necessary. Develop yourself, dream big, imagine great things and think success and you will see the progress. You will see the magic of believe. Cheers!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

What should a new website needs to do?

Every website should be design to attract the users and connect the visitors so that, they can come again to visit the same. It does not matter if your websites’ main objective is to create brand awareness, to generate revenues or to sell your products online.

It’s very much important to keep the most basic and important (necessary) information of your website on above your fold, which is the imaginary line at the end of your web screen. This is to make sure that when the user is navigating your website s/he is sure of the purpose of the website even before scrolling the page down.

Thousands of products can not make a good website but a variety of things makes a website likeable. I know some websites are not like Google (search focused) or Facebook (UGC focused) but they should look from the users’ point of view. The homepage should be clean and cool. Do not paste zillions of things in the website as it does not look good. The content should be genuine. It can increase or decrease the productivity of the website.

Always make sure to keep a final check on all the links (hyper-links) included in your website to see if they are working alright and linking to the particular link or page that is required. The correct destination if is not reached can be a major disaster to all your hard work and it can affect the productivity of the website in different ways (which a website administrator is well aware of).

Lastly, make sure the time for the launch of the website is the right one because after that you will be needed to be more dedicated to the maintenance of the website and its corrections/updates, so you always need to be ready to serve.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Dreams Unlimited

Recently I have started a new assignment with my friend. I am feeling responsible & started managing things my way. It is a new start and we guys co-founded a dot com enterprise. Now my work is to brand the product & do the market research and analysis of the product and competitors & all that silly things on search engines.

I am trying some new ways to improve the product and techniques to promote the brand. As you know (now-a-days) internet marketing is a big business. Everybody is promoting their websites. I am trying to entertain every Indian student. It is a big opportunity. We have excellent competitors, I am not denying it but nobody have the 100% gain every time. The chance of improvement will always be there. Google did it the same thing. They improved the searching with better technique and results. We only need to think about a better solution and correct plan so that we will win the race.

People around me always say that you are running very fast. They say - do not be very fast, run slow and steady but I am not Bill Gates and I do not want to. I love what I do and I love doing opposite things. That is what I call life (my friend) & I liked it in a challenging way. I never did the same thing as others do. I want to do something different. I just want to be myself. I want to take new challenges. I am learning fast and learning for better. My theory is very simple. Practice makes a man perfect and continuous practice makes a man perfectionist. Always try to defeat yourself. Nobody is better than you. I believe in this theory.

In the past one year I learned one great thing. Always say good things about third person. I learned that you should always say good and happening words for the third person. If you are in talk with a person and discussing about some third person so you better speak better and positive words for him. e.g. he is a good person. Remind one thing that after a period of time he will get to know what has been said about him. Do not use derogatory words for him. It will harm you in the long run. I am not saying that you need to behave like a diplomat but "do not be evil".

Be focused on your goal. Sometimes we are looking up to different companies and their budgets and forget our goals. Few weeks back when I was working with a social networking website, I checked Orkut and Facebook always go for the new stuff. Sometimes we behave like a salesman. I heard from lots of salesmen that I had a hiccup with the customer and after arguing for one hour I won the fight. In the marketing business product selling is the most important thing; not the fight. That is the big thing. 90% people do not think like that.

In a job environment where you are the boss and managing a dozen people, your prime focus should be utilizing the full quality of the team. You are not there to scream and shout at your team members. Its the big thing. A manager cant be a manager without the support of their team members.

The last thing I want to say is never underestimate yourself. Check your market value. Don't think that you are not valuable or less valuable. Think about your positive points and stick to it. Think about the solution; not problem. Problem will always be there. Remind one thing - you are not the person you think you are, you are better than that.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Success Theory

Last weekend I wrote about success – Success theory in my words. So, what is success? For me success means winning. I always play for win. Success is the goal of everyone’s life. Success means some wonderful things and some good things. It means richness, excellent salary package, big house, holidays, security and all that stuff which you want from your life. Success always has a good taste when you are famous and you are very much satisfied with you life. Success means – you can do anything for your beloved, your friends and your well wishers.

Everybody in this world wants success. Persons or animals – both want success. Every person wants happiness from his / her life. Nobody wants third class life. Everybody wants to look like movie stars and always dream about the same life. Is it possible? For me, it is. It is definitely possible. Have you heard that proverb - “if you have faith, you can climb mountains”. Just think about it. Just think that you can and you will see that you can do anything. It’s just like that. Ninety percent people in the world don’t know what they can do. They just follow others; always. That’s why they are always the same – followers. Only one or two in a million think that they can lead. They can push hard. Napoleon, Hitler and Alexander came from that extraordinary and elite league. Even Bill Gates, Jack Welch and Richard Branson are in the same league.

Lots of people thinks that I am mad. You can’t push a mountain. They said – it is not possible. But I guess they don’t know what belief is. But for me, if you believe you can, you are right and if you believe you can’t, you are right; again.

It’s absolutely true that you can’t do that with just thinking. You have to work really hard for it. You can’t be a millionaire with just thinking about the stuff. You really need to push yourself with the super energy. If you give your hundred percent, you can conquer the world. You can show the world that what metal you are made of.

My Success theory is very simple. Just remember two words “I can”. Whenever u want to do anything, just talk to your soul and say “I believe in me. I can do it. I am telling you, it will give me immense power, energy and innovative mind and you will see the difference in your attitude and work. Just try it once. I bet – you will love it.

Daily thousands of people searching jobs, appearing for interviews, starting new jobs. They want to be successful. But ninety five percent of them are not sure that you can make it to the top league. Result – they don’t. That’s the main problem with my generation. If you think it is impossible for you to make it to the top then you can’t search for the magic stairs. But some are really very good. They think they can and they know they can. Some employees always do the same work for life, no creativity factor at all but some always looking for better opportunities, better things and better responsibilities. I have read somewhere that a leader’s main objective is not to make followers but to make more leaders.